Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences is a quarterly, peer-reviewed and open access
published by Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. It was established in 2001 by the
Students Research Committee under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor for Research & Technology.
The journal is prepared by the university’s faculty and a group of students who are members of the
Student Research Committee. Zanko journal Publishes papers in all fields of clinical and biomedical
sciences for an internationally diverse authorship. Zanko has been bilingual (persian & English) but from (2022) the publications in this journal will exclusively be in English (Persian papers will be translated to english).
This journal is being indexed in the following:
Research Bible, INDIAN Science, Scientific Indexing Services, AcademicKeys, Science Library Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Scientific Journal Impact Factor, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Universal Impact Factor, Electronic Journals Library.
The Journal seeks to provide its readers with the highest quality scientific information, published
through a process of peer review and editorial comments.
The Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
Zanko journal is extremely sensitive about plagiarism. All authors are strongly recommended to check
their manuscripts content before submission to the journal for publication.
All submitted manuscripts to the journal will be checked against Plagiarism before publishing. In case of any types of plagiarism at any stage of the publication process, the manuscript will be rejected and the corresponding author will be notified.
Journal Title: Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research
Acronym: J Adv Med Biomed Res
Frequency: Quarterly
Publisher : Kurdistan university of medical science
Language : English
Journal Country: IR Iran
P-ISSN: 2383-3343
E-ISSN: 2476-325X
Owner & Publisher: Student Research Committee Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
Chairman: Dr. Abbas Aghaei, Assistant Professor of Epidimiology
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Amjad Mohamadi Bolbanabad, Assistant Professor of Health Management
Student Editor-in-Chief: Ramyar Rahimi Darehbagh, Medical student
Type of Access: Open Access (OA)
Postal Code: 66177-13446
Contact phone: 33664643-087 extension 8255
E-mail: zanko