Editor | Scientific rank and specialization | Resume | |
Hasanzadeh K | (PhD) Associate Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=hK5_9H8AAAAJ | kambizhassanzadeh![]() |
Rezaei MJ | (PhD): Associate Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=S9MIeZwAAAAJ | rezaiemj![]() |
Nasiri Kalmarzi R | (PhD): Assistant Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-_jrMMcAAAAJ&hl=en | rasool_nsr![]() |
Ramazanzadeh R | (PhD): Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=P7PK-j0AAAAJ&hl=en | atrop_t![]() |
Ahmadi Sh | (PhD): Associate Professor of Kurdistan University, Iran. | http://https//scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=x7vqJsAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works | sh.ahmadi![]() |
Zargaran M | (PhD): Associate Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=HwQcWRwAAAAJ | massoumehzargaran![]() |
Azadi NA | (PhD): Assistant Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | - | - |
Dehestani S | (PhD): Assistant Professor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=1whf8O0AAAAJ&hl=en | saeed_dehestani![]() |
Shayannia A | (PhD): Assistant Professor of Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&hl=en&user=HxoQtjQAAAAJ | a.shayannia![]() |
Azizi Y | (PhD): Assistant Professor of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=P-ExEloAAAAJ&hl=en | azizi.y![]() |
Dastan D | (PhD): Assistant Professor of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=w4FKwRAAAAAJ&hl=en | d.dastan![]() |
Ghahramani E | (MSc): Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=blhduyUAAAAJ&hl=en | ghahramani64![]() |
Mansouri B | (PhD): Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FMBXK64AAAAJ&hl=en | borhanmansouri![]() |
Fattahi N | (MD): Associate research scientist, Department of internal medicine, Yale University, school of Medicine | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NVDZWrYAAAAJ&hl=en | nima.fattahi![]() |
Student Editorial Board
Editor | Major | |
Allhagh Sh | PhD Student, The University of Nottingham, Center of Biomolecular Science | sbxmsa![]() |
Zorofchian Moghadamtousi S | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Texas Health. Science Center at Houston | soheil.zorofchian![]() |
Rahimi R | (MD student), Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | ramyar.rahimi![]() |
Habiby M | (MD student), Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | mehrdadfya1![]() |
Mostafazadeh R | (Ms student), Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. | rojan.mostafazadeh![]() |
Morrison F | (Ms student), Akkon University of Applied Sciences. | fionamorrison72![]() |
Afaghi Saray S | Department of Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir university of technology, Tehran, Iran | sh.afaghi![]() |
Momenzadeh T | General medicine, University of Pécs Medical school , Pécs, Hungary | Momenzadeh.zahra![]() |
Rojan Mostafazadeh
Somayeh Fallah
Zhino Karimi
Danial Soltanian
Kimia Qaderhaji
Shaho Shoja
Mehrdad Habiby
Ehsan Majidi
Sohaib Ghafouri
Mehrparvar Sh (Bsc)