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Showing 3 results for Alexithymia

Changiz Rostami, Sayad Mehdi Hosaini, Yahya Yarahmadi,
Volume 17, Issue 55 (3-2017)

Backgrounds and Aim: Alexithymia is an important psychological component that significantly associated with quality of lifestyle and on the other hand   explains the relationship between alexithymia and information processing styles so it can provide useful information. The aim of this study was to investigate information processing styles with alexithymia among women who were covered by the Committee of Imam Khomeini (RA) in Kermanshah.

Material and Methods: In this cross – correlation study  329 women by the charity of Imam Khomeini for sampling was conducted in Kermanshah, logical inventory data through questionnaires experience (ERI) and questionnaire alexithymia (AI) were collected, And then analyzed  by using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis at the same time using spss20 

Results: The results showed that the logical processing style has a negative correlation with alexithymia even though can predict it, but light processing experience had no significant correlation with alexithymia. In other words, those with high processing lower alexithymia level can be predicted.

Conclusion: Therefore recommending individual or group mentoring programs besides supporting and treatment activities by regarding to the information processing styles. 

Nesar Rezaeinezhad, Omid Moradi, Rafigh Hasani, Payam Sajadi,
Volume 19, Issue 61 (7-2018)

Background and Aim: In the recent years, the emotional problems are common issues within various societies. Correct understanding and skill in a regulation of emotional problems are highly efficient to reduce mental disorders and their predicting factors. The purpose of this study was to predict alexithymia based on parental health, self-differentiation and emotional, cognitive regulation among female high school students.                                                             
Material and Method: To conduct the study, 300 students were selected from different high schools in Sanandaj city. Data collected from alexithymia, parental health, self-differentiation and emotional, cognitive regulation questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and regression analysis with the aid of SPSS software. We obtained the correlation analysis to conduct this study, and the sampling method was random sampling (multistage cluster sampling).                                            
Results: The results inferred that predictive variables estimated only 12% of the variance of overall alexithymia score. There was an inverse and meaningful (significant) correlation between self-differentiation and alexithymia (P≤0.01).  However, openness scale in parental health and suppression (repression) scale in emotional regulation significantly predicted alexithymia (P≤0.01).
Conclusion: According to the results we concluded that independent variables could predict alexithymia, but self-differentiation is a prominent factor in predicting of alexithymia that has an inverse and significant correlation (relationship).

Mr Hossein Mahmoodi Chalbatan, Mr Mino Motaghi, Mis Roya Torkashvand,
Volume 20, Issue 67 (1-2020)

Background and Aim: Cognitive-behavioral therapy, especially the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has a potential to treat complex abuse disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of group therapy based on ACT on recipients having Alexithymia under maintenance with Methadone treatment in Lordegan city in 1397.
Materials and Method: The statistical society, included 70 patients under maintenance with Methadone treatment from the addiction center of Shohada lordegan Hospital (Lordegan city, 1397). The statistical society select by available method. The data gathering tool used for this study was Toronto Alexithymia Questionnaire (TAS-20). Data analysis was done in descriptive and inferential levels by spss-21 software.
Results: The finding of this study showed that there was no significant difference between Alexithymia and its dimensions before and after the intervention in the control group. However; there was a significant difference between mean of alexithymia and its dimensions before and after the intervention in the test group. According to independent T-test, before the implementation of alexithymia and its dimensions, no significant difference was observed in the test and control groups, although; after intervention, the experimental group had a significant increase.
Conclusion: Group therapy based on ACT is effective on Alexithymia in patients undergoing maintenance treatment with Methadone.

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