Investigating the Role of Cognitive Abilities and Emotional Regulation Difficulties in Predicting the Grouping Membership of People Attempting Suicide and Normal Individuals. Zanko J Med Sci 2019; 19 (63) :42-58
Abstract: (2970 Views)
Background and Aim: Suicide is the third most common cause of death among those aged 15-44. Adolescents and young people are two groups exposed to a high risk of suicide. Thus, current study was aimed to investigate the role of cognitive abilities and emotional regulation difficulties in predicting the grouping membership of people attempting suicide and to compare it with normal individuals.
Material and Method: The research method used in this study was causal-comparative and of a cross-sectional (ex post facto) type. The studied cases included 121 people, whom attempted suicide by drug poisoning, referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital, Kermanshah City, Iran, in October 2016-February 2017. The people who participated in this study were chose based on convenient sampling method, regarding the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The participants answered “Nejati's Cognitive Abilities Questionnaire” (CAQ) and “Gratez, and Romer's Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale” (DERS). Case series method was used to analyze the data, using SPSS software version 21.
Results: In the case series analysis, by the method of concurrent analysis, the 15 predictor variables explained 85.1% of the variance. In the step-by-step method, 5 predictor variables (problems in planning, cognitive flexibility, social cognition, lack of emotional awareness and impulse control difficulties) explained 83.1% of variance for the only case series functions of the difference between the two groups of individuals attempting suicide and students.
Conclusion: according to the findings, it seems that cognition and emotions are two important aspects of human life, so that interaction of these two structures is observed in the manifestation of most of the people’s behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to teach suicide attempters emotional regulation and cognitive rehabilitation, in order to reduce the psychological harms.
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Special Received: 2018/06/2 | Accepted: 2018/07/19 | ePublished: 2019/01/15