Volume 19, Issue 61 (7-2018)                   Zanko J Med Sci 2018, 19(61): 32-42 | Back to browse issues page

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rezaeinezhad N, moradi O, hasani R, sajadi P. Predicting Alexithymia based on Parental Health, Self Differentiation and Emotional Cognitive Regulation among High School Students. Zanko J Med Sci 2018; 19 (61) :32-42
URL: http://zanko.muk.ac.ir/article-1-346-en.html
Abstract:   (3795 Views)

Background and Aim: In the recent years, the emotional problems are common issues within various societies. Correct understanding and skill in a regulation of emotional problems are highly efficient to reduce mental disorders and their predicting factors. The purpose of this study was to predict alexithymia based on parental health, self-differentiation and emotional, cognitive regulation among female high school students.                                                             
Material and Method: To conduct the study, 300 students were selected from different high schools in Sanandaj city. Data collected from alexithymia, parental health, self-differentiation and emotional, cognitive regulation questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and regression analysis with the aid of SPSS software. We obtained the correlation analysis to conduct this study, and the sampling method was random sampling (multistage cluster sampling).                                            
Results: The results inferred that predictive variables estimated only 12% of the variance of overall alexithymia score. There was an inverse and meaningful (significant) correlation between self-differentiation and alexithymia (P≤0.01).  However, openness scale in parental health and suppression (repression) scale in emotional regulation significantly predicted alexithymia (P≤0.01).
Conclusion: According to the results we concluded that independent variables could predict alexithymia, but self-differentiation is a prominent factor in predicting of alexithymia that has an inverse and significant correlation (relationship).

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/11/12 | Accepted: 2018/04/17 | ePublished: 2018/10/10

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